The time is something between really late and really early, and I find myself drifting in and out of consciousness. As you probably have guessed, yes, I am sick.
So what does a tired mind do at the middle of the night? Well. It ponders the big things. It wonders about life, as the stomach tries to commit seppuku, and tries to figure out other ways to think about death as a good thing.
Obviously, death is not really appealing to someone as young as myself, So my tired mind tries to break the dark spell by forcing its thoughts over upon lighter subjects. Like Harry Potter. Or Pineaple. And by doing so it comes stumbling upon the most basic or all subjects; God.
This subject is probably not the basic of all subjects for ALL minds, mind you, but for THIS mind it is a subject well rehearsed.
It begins with recalling conversations it has had with other minds. Conversations usually ending with "All who believe in a creator are idiots and has no place in the modern world."
This is a illogical sentiment for this mind. By disclaiming all posibility of some sort of creator, one sets oneself over some of the smartest minds in history... Like Albert Einstein, or Darwin, or Stephen Hawking, all of whom never said such a silly thing as; "God cannot exist". Only the ignorant mind pretends to be all-knowing. But do not get me wrong. This problem is evident at all sides of any debate. The most frustrating of all minds are the ones who refuses to listen to reason. Like Creationist-minds.
To think that it is possible for any human being to be able to refuse logic. To read the bible as a true, to the word, text is just plain wrong. This is why: There are TWO stories about the garden of eden, one where Man is created first, one where Man is created last. Why are there two stories about the garden of eden? Well. Most theologists and priests believe there are two, because it is ment to be read as a metaphor, as a story, as in: we are not ment to know how the world was created, just run with it. It does not matter. This is not the point of the bible. The point of the bible is to give a recollection about the life of Jesus Christ, not how the world started. The issue about the "start" should be trivial for any christian to say the least. What matters is the "goal". Yes... I just said that. And that is why this mind does not care to think about religion and science as two opposite sides. After all. All of the western worlds most known scientists through history has been religious. Not to mention the monks in Chez republic who created Beer.
The question of God remains though. Like; what is God? or; is he/she/it good or evil? or; are we alone? or; what is the meaning of life?
One might say that: There are no meaning to life.
"Reason" itself is a social construction, like everything else in society, but what remains to explain is the question itself. Why do all minds have a fundamental need to understand their reason for being here? Why is the question; Who am I? imprinted in our brain as if something irritating put its huge irritating finger in a spot that cant be reached in the back of our heads.
Some might try to explain it as "This is clearly a side effect of evolution" or something sinister like that... something that does not really explain anything at all, just the "how" but not the "why". Because if this basic need/instinct is something conjured up by evolution, it is clearly the most illogical thing EVER.
The thing about evolution is: "fight of the fittest"... the ability to gain the most effective biological traits to continue living in the natural environment and help the race expand... Well... this "need" or instinct or whatever, is clearly something that has killed millions over the 30 000 years of human history. For all kinds of reasons. like; you cant wear a hat on sunday! or: Baahl needs human sacrifices.
By my way of thinking, this need to understand our existence should have died a long time ago, by the laws of evolution. If anything it has held the human race back.
But it remains.
Is it because it is put there intentionally by the Creator? or is it just a mishap, a wrong turn that nature made just to fuck us up?
Whatever the reason it does not really matter.
What matters is getting food in the morning and feeling good about being who we are and doing some good for the people in close vicinity.
This subject is obviously not over.
But my tired and nauseous mind feels like sleeping.
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Albert |
due to popular demand, and lack of opportunity to skype with you...a small comment.
...are we to "intelligent" to accept the simple fact that we are tiny in the scale of everything and that "my" purpose is simply to take a small part in a complex system....and improve the situation for coming generation. To spend my time creating a positive development for our team, the earth team.
we are so caught up with finding our own individual purpose that we forget...there is no I in team. we are the human division of team earth and our goal is to prosper along with everything around us.
Well. this is hard to argue with.
One thing I can say, though, is that I don´t think ignoring the fact that this question is one of the most often asked in history, and that it is on the minds of most people at least once pr week, is one of the reasons I devote some of my time, trying to sort through it.
When it comes to "team", I´m a tad more cynical. I view the world as a mass of individuals, all struggling to get ahead of each other. Sure. I would LIKE to think of the earth as "team us", but the fact is that the major social reforms the last 5 years has been: "should we have healthcare in the US?"... and the answer so far has been; no. Not entirely anyway.
My point is that I think there are different ways of answering this question, than thinking that we are all on the same team. Because we are not.
I used to think about the individual purpose as "lesser" to the whole, as well. Its just that I do not control the larger part of human interest, which is "one self". So finding out our individual purpose is important. Even though it goes against what is right.
it`s right to find our own purpose, but if we all worked together, more people would find their reason faster.
We think its selfish to only concentrate one our own destiny. Its not selfish, but stupid. Through engaging with our surroundings, one can find his/hers inner meaning easier and i woud bet faster.
we are a team. we are plus, we are minus and we are peace and we are conflict. All until realize our team potential.
BTW: we should skype more and messenger board less. this writing is stealing my work time. :)
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