Thursday, February 24, 2011



I wanted you to see this lecture by Bill Gates. Not that I idealize the man in any particular way... apart from his innovative personality. But I figured that this area within the energy debate is (at least in my country) not focused on enough. 
I will go ahead and point out that I´m not either pro or against nuclear power even though it seems like the pro side of me is winning ground... before I saw this lecture by Mr. Gates.

It is important to have an understanding of both sides of any debate before taking a firm stand. The worst kind of debate is one where both sides are unable to answered questions directed to their opposite side. Like, If I asked a vegetarian: "Why should I eat meat?" and he/she is immediately answering "you shouldn´t" without even trying to put her/himself within the opposite sides point of view.
That goes for any kind of debate. And this is what is lacking in my society at the moment; a greater understanding of both sides of the energy debate... the only thing they all agree on is that we have to be rid of oil. And at the same moment they throw nuclear power on the scrap-yard based on Tsjernobyl, the only reactor in history to melt down fully and affecting the environment. Seen that the technology used in Tsjernobyl is 24 years old, we can only guess that the reactors used (everywhere in the world) today is of a different, better, more secure, sort.
There are more cons like; "what about the aftermath, the waste?". Well... This is a fundamental problem... right now. Its only a matter of time before it wont be one. 
Focusing on a constructive solution, like developing technology that can use the waste to make new energy (its called recycling), is better than not even thinking about the subject. 
If the technology isn´t here today... we should focus on getting it here faster. And that's the one big problem of any environmental debate today. 
I can almost hear them crying through the walls of my imaginary debate-room; "GET RID OF OIL! Co2 IS DANGEROUS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT! PANDAS!"
Well... based on the fact that the world is firstly driven by the economy, you should focus on a way of getting a renewable energy-source on the market that will force out oil, and not whine. Idiots.
I promise you this: The day we find a energy source that is more effective, less costly, environmental friendly, and more plentiful than oil, that is the same day the world stops using oil. 
So what do we have? nothing right now, but in my naive mind there is nuclear power... the only effective solution for a steadily increasing demand for energy (and it will only increase) without spewing out Co2 like a drunk on drugs.

Note: Even though I lean toward nuclear power right now does not mean I figure that it is a better alternative than furthering research in renewable energy. The sun gives us 10. 000 times more power each year than the total world consumption of power.... Research in solar panels is PROBABLY the best thing ever... but its just a though.

Point is: Its better to have a constructive conversation where we deliver solutions, than blind rambling by angry people.

Due to recent events I felt I had to update this post a bit.
As some of you may already know, a reacor in Japan is having problems.
I have this to say on the matter.

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